I recently came across this interesting debugging technique named 'Rubber Duck Debugging'. The name is a reference from the book 'The Pragmatic Programmer' by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas, in which a programmer is able to debug a code by explaining it line-by-line, to a rubber duck.
You maybe wondering why i began with these two words that usually is uttered at the end of a conversation or email etc.
The introduction of e-learning as one of the learning tools in the educational sector
Over the past few years, we used always to hear that the world is getting smaller
According to Swami Vivekananda - “All the power is within you, you can do anything and everything.
The other day I was pondering over the topic of freedom. What does it mean to be free?
The fact that I have witnessed the light and sound show at the Golconda
January 07, 2021
January 14, 2021
March 01, 2021
January 22, 2021
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