14 Jan 2021

Let us choose to live.

The other day I was pondering over the topic of freedom. What does it mean to be free? From whom or what is freedom wanted? I feel even the notion of having attained freedom, by travelling on a bike to a hilly region far from home for instance, doesn’t actually make us free. Rather we are chained or are still dependent on that very idea that we are free. Paradoxical. So then is it an escape route from our responsibilities? Or is it just a tagline for us to be more youthful, modern, uncaring and stylish today? Just rhetorical questions. Twenty-six years have passed since frank Darabont’s film the Shawshank redemption came out, into our lives. I have lost count of the number of times i saw the film. There is an inherent magic in the film that I wouldn’t want to deconstruct or disturb. Let the magic be. But the film talks to me, and it is not about freedom. It is about life itself. To live and breathe and crawl through every circumstance in the tunnel with the strong conviction that there, just a few feet away lies redemption. And finally when the tempest hits hard upon our lives, we will still feel happy within as we have endured it and the storm now moves away for a gentle breeze to stop by…

Sridev Namboodiri Nelluvelim
Assistant professor
Dept of English

March 07 2021

Rubber Duck Debugging

I recently came across this interesting debugging technique named 'Rubber Duck Debugging'.

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January 07 2021

Thank you.

You maybe wondering why i began with these two words that usually is uttered at the end of a conversation or email etc.

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Let us choose to live.

The other day I was pondering over the topic of freedom. What does it mean to be free?

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